…on Life’s terms takes presence, attention and attunement.
Love cannot thrive in complacency.
Love demands attention, mindfulness and focus…with a dash of blind faith, that faith that doesn’t demand complete understanding or perception.
Loving on Life’s terms is a partnership in which the Couple, that creation of two people, is tended to as if it were a child. That same level of focus, care and stewardship.
Loving on Life’s terms is accepting the child, the friend, the co-worker, the enemy as they are. Understanding that they, too, are making their way in their lives. [Even if we see clearly where and how they might change for the better….]
Loving on Life’s terms is understanding that soul mates are those folk who challenge us to grow into our more mature selves; those folk who do not let us rest comfortably in stasis.
Loving on Life’s terms means understanding that the person we love, whether romantic partner or fellow traveler, is making it up as they go along too. For better or for worse.
Loving on Life’s terms means showing up. Attending. Closing the laptop, placing the smart phone face down [perhaps even turning it off….].
Loving on Life’s terms is opening.