Risk Curiosity
Much has happened in the past twelve months. Speculation, disbelief, fear and hope have been rampant. Perspectives have been challenged. Some perspectives have been validated; others are ragged, limp.
Loving on Life’s Terms often requires Curiosity.
Loving on Life’s Terms often asks us to hold our breath, being willing to Not Know and gently watch and wait to see what is unfolding.
Loving on Life’s Terms demands that we assess how we will live into that which we are co-creating.
The key, most times, is remembering that we are doing this [Loving, Living, Partnering] with someone else, with others.
This is a time in which we must allow ourselves to be curious, to ask questions and most importantly to hear each other. We cannot share creation if we do not hear each other.
Loving on Life’s Terms is risking asking questions and hearing the answers. It often asks us to risk stating our own truths.
Have you ever been afraid of a conversation, that you know you need to have?
Have you been surprised by how relieved you feel when you have the conversation, even if you don’t have a resolution? Have you been surprised by the peace that comes, even if there are no mutually agreed upon answers? Foundations, bare ground, seeing a truth about what is between us is a gift. We can make choices when we have that. We understand what we are doing with each other.
In 2017, let us all be curious. Let us all be willing to put aside what we think is true and listen to each other. Let us be willing to hear each other, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.
Risk this intimacy. Risk Curiosity.
[I Know You Can Do This.]